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The WORKA Cooperative was established in 2005 and joined the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers’ Cooperative Union (YCFCU) the same year. There are 305 members who cultivate coffee on 762 hectares in the WORKA cooperative, which is located in Gedeb within the Gedeo Zone. YCFCU currently has 24-member coops, and each primary cooperative elect their own governing committee and professional farm managers. The governing committees make decisions about investing in new equipment purchases, scheduling tree maintenance, and how to structure payments to the cooperative members. The professional managers for each primary cooperative oversee the harvest and processing procedures and are accountable to the coop’s members and other committees. The WORKA cooperative is very proud of this natural processed Yirgacheffe coffee that exhibits wonderful floral, cherry, and berry characteristics.

Ethiopia YirgacheffeWorka

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