Well balanced but strong. We start our cold-brew with fresh roasted beans 48 hours after being roasted. This allows for flavor development while still maintaining the qualities of fresh roasted coffee. The result is a flavorful, low-acid cold brew coffee that can be consumed as is or with additives of your choice.
Note: This is more concentrated than what is typically consumed. Stores and coffee shops will often brew at a water:coffee ration of 1:6-8. SOB uses 1:4 . Additionally, cold brew is often higher in caffeine than coffee brewed hot but with lower acidity.
Please allow 4 days after roasting session for cold brew coffee to be ready.
Comes in 32 oz. bottles.
Roasting sessions occur twice a week. Once on Sundays and a second midweek session (typically Wednesday or Thursday). A limited number of orders available for each session to ensure special crafting to customer specifications.